Meet the Mujer: Cat Craig of Sunrise Via Lola
Welcome to our first ever Meet the Mujer Series! This month we are proud to spotlight Cat, owner of Sunrise Via Lola. Cat has been showcasing her art at Mujeres Makers Market and created our IWD flier for this year. We appreciate all the work Cat has done to support the MMM mission and local community.
Get to know more about Sunrise Via Lola by reading our interview below.
Tell us a little about how Sunrise Via Lola got started.
Throughout my whole life, I have always expressed myself through all different mediums; sketching, painting, and watercolor. About a year ago, on a rainy day, I was sketching with charcoal/ink, and I felt compelled to share my piece of artwork on my Instagram story. Furthermore, that led to catching the eye of a local business owner wanting to sell my art in their shop within Downtown Ojai. As much as I was caught off guard and filled with hesitancy because I had no idea where to begin, I felt that the universe was presenting the opportunity to take the first step into the unknown and pursue one of my true passions.
Describe your journey of becoming an artist?
Like most artists, I have been creating art my whole life. I have always found myself getting lost in sketching wherever I was. One fond memory was in middle school when I was sketching and my teacher became frustrated with me since I wasn’t paying attention and received detention (it led me to get into a lot of trouble with my teachers growing up lol).
Until Sunrise Via Lola came to fruition, I always felt private and intimate about my artwork for a couple of reasons, it was a safe space for me when:
Going through traumatic experiences throughout my life and it allowed me to heal myself.
When I needed to recharge my light and energy.
When I wanted to express myself freely.
“Enjoy the journey, love the process and the sun will always rise to start a new day.”
Where do you draw inspiration from to create your art ? And, who inspires you creatively and in life?
My inspiration stems from the beautiful colors of nature and memories of being in a particular place. These places are where I go on my outdoor adventures from national parks to my backyard here in Ojai.
My inspirations are my mom, my papa and my husband.
Ever since I was a little girl, my mom has always been a gifted artist.
My papa loved to work with his hands and create elegant pieces from wood crafting.
My husband Shea has had a natural eye for beauty and an artistic side to him. Whenever he creates his own artwork, he inspires me because of his ability to find the simple beauty in all things.
Nature, memories of my adventures and my loved ones truly allow me to find my voice in my art.
We’re in love with our art flier for International Women’s Day! How did you come up with this design?
This design for the flier was inspired by going back to our ancestral roots to remember how strong women were through all of their adversities, growth and fierceness. It represents empowerment to embrace our history and to have truth within ourselves and our lives.
We’ve seen you grow so much as a vendor over the last year. Do you have any advice to give new vendors? Any best practices you’d like to share?
My advice to give to new vendors is to:
Never be afraid to ask questions.
Research as much as you can.
Remember that every business has its ups and downs. Growth doesn’t happen overnight. The more you put in, the more you will get out of your business.
Some of my best practices:
Remember to be kind to yourself.
Take a breath. It is easy to get overwhelmed with all the things you need to get done. Focus on what is realistic within your reach to accomplish in the present.
Create a list and be able to prioritize what needs to get done. Don’t forget to cross off each item because it's a step closer to getting everything done.
Lastly, never forget where you came from. It can back be all the way back to your ancestral roots, as well as your journey in being a small business owner. Reflection allows me to take a step back when I need it most. Everyone at MMM is on this journey together and you have the support system to grow into the best person you can be.
We’d love to hear what’s new that’s coming for Sunrise Via Lola or a new collection you’re working on.
On the horizon of Sunrise Via Lola, I am currently working on a collection of original digital artwork. These pieces will be one of a kind prints. This collection will be held close to my heart because it will be inspired by the most tangible memories that I have during the most pivotal moments of my life.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my loved ones and my friends, mountain biking, rock climbing, working out at the gym, swimming, and hiking. Most of all, going on new adventures to new places.
Any tips you’d like to leave our readers for those considering starting a business?
Ensure the business you create is something that you love and truly believe in.
Create a business plan.
Be curious. Research, research, research. We are all in a very fortunate time right now with information and have everything at our disposal with the internet.
Enjoy the journey, love the process and the sun will always rise to start a new day.
You can find Cat’s art, here, and at our IWD market on March 5th!