Meet the Mujer: Dawn of Dawn Carlson Designs
Welcome to Meet the Mujer Series! This month we are proud to spotlight Dawn, owner of Dawn Carlson Designs. Dawn has been showcasing her jewelry at Mujeres Makers Market since May of 2022. We appreciate all the work Dawn has done to support the MMM mission and local community.
Get to know more about Dawn Carlson Designs by reading our interview below.
Tell us a little about how Dawn Carlson Designs got started. Describe your journey of becoming a jewelry maker?
Well, the saying goes, we make plans and God laughs. Jewelry making was not a part of my plan.
My journey into the jewelry design world began many years ago when I lost most of my hearing. One morning I awoke with an extremely loud engine-like noise in my head and three hours later, 90% of my hearing was gone.
Initially, as you can imagine, I was very upset and focused on my loss, asking “why me” and seeking a solution from various specialists. The engine sound, my new unwelcomed companion, was always present. After some time, I came across a brochure that stated lip reading could be learned after many months of practicing. Hmm, I could lip read on the day I lost my hearing. Wow, what a blessing! But it was a blessing I didn’t recognize initially because I was blinded by my circumstance and fixated on the one thing I didn’t have, my hearing. I wondered what other blessings I was missing. I began writing daily in a gratitude journal, taking time to notice the beauty around me and giving thanks for family and friends. What a powerful practice it is to go through the day with a thankful heart! My circumstances didn’t change…I still had a severe hearing loss…but my perspective and attitude did a complete flip.
About a year later, I decided to enroll in a jewelry making class. I discovered, much to my delight, that when I was working on a piece of jewelry, the engine sound was no longer in the forefront. Thank you! This was the calm that I needed in my storm. The class was very relaxing, and I had found not only relief but a creativity that I didn’t know I had. I continued taking classes and reading jewelry making books. As I started receiving inquiries regarding the jewelry I was making and wearing, Dawn Carlson Designs was born. What started as a form of therapy for me evolved into a business that I love.
“Giving thanks in all of my circumstances has been transforming, turning frustration into joy and creativity.”
It continues to be an amazing gift that I try to pass along. Now, when I participate in events, I use words of affirmation and gratitude in my display, and often place an affirming word in each gift box.
Where do you draw inspiration from to create your jewelry ? And, who inspires you creatively and in life?
This probably sounds funny but one of the ways I’m inspired is just looking at the gemstones, metal and other findings while listening to music. Creatively, I am inspired by my jewelry making friends who generously share their knowledge. In life, I’m inspired by my husband who is a great problem solver and continuously cheers me on.
Any advice to give to new vendors? Any best practices you’d like to share?
My advice to new vendors is to do your best to silence the voice in your head that may be causing you to doubt yourself. Be mindful to not compare yourself to other creatives. Attendance at in-person events can be hit or miss as far as sales go. Don’t base a show on one experience. There are awesome days and slow days. Be open to chatting to other vendors. I learned about other opportunities and gained knowledge in how to make jewelry by doing this. Take notes at artisan markets and have fun!
What is your favorite memory from Mujeres Makers Market?
My favorite Mujeres Makers Market Memory was the December market last year when there was light rain and wind. The Mujeres team did a great job of pulling the show together despite the weather and it was amazing to see so many customers come out in support.
What projects do you have on the horizon?
I’m working on new hoop earrings and I’m excited about using the Cricut Maker that I received as a gift.
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I enjoy quilting, reading books, beach walks and time with my family, and two dogs.
Any tips you’d like to leave our readers for those considering starting a business?
Seek advice from those who have a similar business.
You can find Dawn’s jewelry, here, and at our upcoming market on June 4th!